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About Gwen Reyes


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Meet Gwen

  • Service provided will be with integrity, and with your perspective in mind.

  • Finding a home not only to live in, but that will add quality to your life as you grow.

  • Listening to my clients is most critical, people will tell you who they are if you listen. From there we can find a home that will fit your life.

  • A good book takes a commitment of time, Allow me to commit my time to a chapter in your book. Begining, middle, and end.

  • Purchasing a home can be overwhelming with all that needs to be done. Allow me to ease the process into a hop and a skip away. One little baby step at a time.

  • Along the way, let's have fun.

Native to San Antonio, Texas; born, raised, and lived my whole life in this city. It has grown with me, we have developed roots together and weathered many storms together. Forming a deep relationship in continued growth. Though I have traveled far and near, San Antonio is my forever home. Though San Antonio has grown if you stay a while you will find we are all still very connected as though It were still small. Everyone knows each other if you search deep enough.
Family is my beginning, middle, and end. My husband and I have three children and we are all native San Antonionians. We go camping and travel together as much as we can, always enjoying the change in scenery. We are big on tradition, every Easter we make cascarones, and every November we make homemade tamales from scratch. We have so many more traditions and build on them every year. And can't wait to see what is coming next.
In my career world I worked as a receptionist, game room attendant, pre-school teacher and then finally settled in customer service with a home shopping network. I enjoyed all these positions and learned ALOT. The one thing the world keeps teaching me is that we are all human and we all start somewhere. You will make mistakes, and learn from them. And in order to finish you have to start.

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